Planning a monitoring programme using geotechnical instrumentation should proceed through the steps outlined below. All of these planning steps should, if possible, be completed before geotechnical monitoring work commences in the field.
The person responsible for planning a monitoring programme must become very familiar with the project type and layout, subsurface stratigraphy and engineering properties of subsurface materials, groundwater conditions, status of nearby structures or other facilities, environmental conditions, and the planned construction method.
Prior to developing a monitoring programme, one or more working hypotheses must be developed for mechanisms that are likely to control behaviour. In dam engineering, the term “Potential Failure Mode Analysis” (PFMA) is used, and this term could be used for other types of project.
Every instrument on a project should be selected and placed to assist in answering a specific question: if there is no question, there should be no instrumentation. This is the first golden rule.
All risks associated with construction should be identified, and each ‘geotechnical question’ should be prioritised based on risk. Responsibility for each risk should be allocated to a single party or to more than one party. Risk responsibility allocation should be included in the construction contract documents. Risk analysis embodies a wide range of scientific theories and engineering analyses to identify potential sources of risk, determine the probability of occurrence for each source, and estimate the consequences from each source of risk. Total risk is the summation of the probability of each source of risk occurring multiplied by the consequences of that occurrence. Risk can be decreased by actions that reduce the probability of a source of risk occurring or reduce the adverse consequences of that event occurring.
Typical geotechnical parameters include:
The question “which parameters are most relevant?” should be answered.
Predictions are necessary so that required instrument ranges and accuracies can be selected. An estimate of the maximum possible value, or the maximum value of interest, leads to a selection of instrument range. An estimate of the minimum value of interest leads to a selection of instrument accuracy. If measurements are for construction control or safety purposes, a predetermination should be made of numerical values that indicate the need for decisive mitigation measures. These values are often referred to as trigger levels (or hazard warning levels or response values). The concept of green, amber, and red trigger levels is useful:
Inherent in the use of instrumentation for construction purposes is the absolute necessity for deciding, in advance, a positive means for dealing with any problem that may be disclosed by the results of the observations. If the observations should demonstrate that remedial action is needed, that action must be based on appropriate, previously anticipated plans. Arrangements should be made to determine how all parties will be forewarned of the planned remedial actions.
The second golden rule (remember that the first golden rule has been given in Step 3 above) is: Tasks should be assigned to the people who have the greatest motivation to achieve high quality data. Many geotechnical monitoring programmes have been unsuccessful because planners of the programmes have assigned key tasks to people who have inadequate motivation. Hence this step is of the utmost importance, and is covered in some detail in this section.
The tasks include:
And it is crucial to ensure that these tasks are assigned to the people who are most likely to maximize quality.
Clearly data interpretation (Task 5) should be the responsibility of the construction contractor, with input from the people who initiated the monitoring programme. Implementation (Task 6) should be by construction personnel.
Let’s call Tasks 1-4 “Instrumentation field work”. If principal construction contractors, temporary works contractors, specialist geotechnical subcontractors or design/build contractors have initiated the monitoring programme, clearly they have the greatest motivation, and these tasks should be assigned to them.
But if the monitoring programme has been initiated by the designer of the project, there are four reasons for not assigning instrumentation field work to the principal construction contractor:
However, if the monitoring programme has been initiated by the project designers and if local regulations demand that instrumentation field work must be assigned to the principal construction contractor, it is essential to have partnering and rigorous and enforced specifications.
If the monitoring programme has been initiated by the designer of the project, either of the following assignments are recommended for instrumentation field work:
The preceding eight steps should be completed before instruments are selected. When selecting instruments, the overriding desirable feature is reliability and inherent in reliability is as simple as the requirements allow. Selection of instruments and readout equipment depends directly on the methods used for data collection. The scale of the geotechnical monitoring programme should match the scale and complexity of the geotechnical questions and should also match the identified risks.
Lowest cost of an instrument should never be allowed to dominate the selection. The least expensive instrument is not likely to result in minimizing project cost. In evaluating the economics of alternative instruments, the overall cost of procuring, calibration, installation, maintenance, monitoring, and data processing should be compared.
A practical approach to selecting instrument locations entails three steps:
When selecting locations it should be recognized that some instruments will probably cease to function when data are still required, hence some duplication may be needed. Some limited duplication of measurements leads to increased confidence in data, especially in areas of uncertainty or greatest change.
Measurements by themselves are rarely sufficient to provide useful conclusions. Geotechnical monitoring normally involves relating measurements to causes, and therefore records and diaries must be maintained of all factors that might cause changes in the measured parameters, including construction details and progress.
Budgets should be prepared at this stage for all future monitoring tasks, including:
It is then necessary to ensure that sufficient funds are available. A frequent error in budget preparation is to underestimate the duration of the project and the total costs for data collection and interpretation. If insufficient funds are available, the monitoring programme may have to be curtailed or more funds obtained
First, for a contract between the owner and either the design or geotechnical consultant, or the specialist monitoring contractor. Remember to include risk responsibility allocation.
Second, for a contract between the owner and the construction contractor. This contract must include information about the first contract, because there needs to be interaction among all parties. Remember to include risk responsibility allocation.
Copies of John’s book, Geotechnical Instrumentation for Monitoring Field Performance, are available for purchase. For more information, please contact:
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