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Pressure Cells

Push-in Type (VW) | Model 4830

  • Model 4830 Push-In Pressure Cell.
Model 4830

The Model 4830 Push-In Pressure Cell* is designed to be pushed in place for the measurement of total pressures in soils and earth fills. Where effective stress is required, the cell is fitted with an integral piezometer. A thread is provided on the end of the cell to allow for installation using lengths of pipe or drill rods.


Standard Ranges¹
70, 170, 350, 700 kPa; 1, 2, 3, 5 MPa
Over Range
150% F.S. (maximum)
0.025% F.S.
±0.1% F.S.
Temperature Range¹
−20°C to +80°C
Length × Diameter¹
600 × 50 mm

¹Other ranges and sizes available on request.

²Transducer accuracy established under laboratory conditions.
Total system accuracy (pressure transducer + pressure cell) is subject to site-specific variables.

*Please Note: Models are also available (3500 Series) with semiconductor pressure transducers to enable measurement of dynamic pressures (please contact GEOKON for details).

Please Note: GEOKON maintains an ongoing policy of design review and reserves the right to amend products and specifications without notice. Various instruments are discontinued over time and replaced with new, updated models.
