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Product Showcase | Model 3650-2 and 4650-2

New Multipoint Settlement Systems

Model 3650-2/4650-2 Multipoint Settlement Systems.
Model 3650-2/4650-2 Multipoint Settlement Systems reservoir.

The Model 3650-2 and 4650-2 are low-profile Multipoint Settlement Systems designed for monitoring differential settlements in and around tunnels, floor slabs, bridge piers, building columns, etc. It comprises a series of sensitive Semiconductor Pressure Transducers (3650-2) or Vibrating Wire Pressure Transducers (4650-2) inter-connected by a special Nylon tube filled with de-aired water or, where necessary, de-aired water and antifreeze. The string of sensors is connected to a common reservoir with a large liquid capacity that serves as the reference datum.

For more information, please visit the product page.

Model 3650-2 and 4650-2 data sheet.
