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Product Showcase | Model GK-405

New Vibrating Wire Readout

Model GK-405 Readout closeup.
Model GK-405 Readout.
Model GK-405 Readout side view.

The Model GK-405 Vibrating Wire Readout is designed for use with all GEOKON vibrating wire sensors. It comprises a battery-powered readout unit that communicates wirelessly with a Handheld Field PC running the GK-405 application. The Model GK-405 can also read the thermistors included with most GEOKON vibrating wire sensors, and display the temperature directly in °C.

All readings can be stored and exported to a number of different file formats. Syncing to a host computer is simple and straightforward, allowing project folders and data files to be easily saved. The Model GK-405 Readout is available with or without the Handheld Field PC because the Model GK-604-6 Field PC, provided with GEOKON’s GK-604 Inclinometer Readout, is compatible with both systems.

For more information, please visit the product page.

Model GK-405 data sheet.
