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Borehole Deformation Gauges | Model 5000

  • Model 5000 Borehole Deformation Gage.
  • Model 5075 Biaxial Modulus Chamber with attendant pump and gage (required to determine the modulus of deformation of the extracted rock core).
Model 5000

The Model 5000 Borehole Deformation Gauge is the proven USBM-style gauge used to measure in situ rock stresses using the overcoring technique in rock that is competent and elastic. The measurement of in situ stresses is important in the design of underground openings such as power houses, crushing stations, mines, tunnels and the like. It is also useful for determining the inherent stability of pit slopes, foundation excavations, mine pillars and dam abutments. A full line of ancillary equipment is available including readout units, biaxial modulus chamber setting rods, etc.


Borehole Diameter
38 mm EX-size diamond drill hole
1.0 µε
Minimum Overcore Depth
203 mm (25 mm with reverse case)
Maximum Overcore Depth
15 m standard (60 m with extra cable)
Temperature Range
−20°C to +80°C
Length × Diameter
267 × 35 mm

Compatible Readouts

Please Note: GEOKON maintains an ongoing policy of design review and reserves the right to amend products and specifications without notice. Various instruments are discontinued over time and replaced with new, updated models.
